By Marisa :)
Healing from PE, ED, Anorgasmia and Porn Addiction.
“Thank you so much for the book. It’s hard to describe how far I’ve come because of it.
Since buying it last year I’ve been putting into practice some of the insights and techniques I learned from your writing (changing habits, diet, riding waves etc) and although it has been a slow process (with lots of trial and error!) I can honestly say it has helped me a lot, even though I still have a long way to go.
Your book is the first time I’ve come across specific instructions and concepts aimed at men to make us more spiritual/sensual lovers .. and it’s fantastic!!! Nobody has ever really taught us about these things and I appreciate your directness too. Do THIS, don’t do this, try this etc. Thank You again! ”
Before we get started, please check if any of the following sound familiar to you: - Frustration with your lovemaking skills and intimacy.
- Lacklustre experiences that leave you and your partner unsatisfied.
- Struggling to keep things going ... or even to get started.
In this book, you'll discover a holistic healing approach that conquers intimacy challenges, all from the comfort of your own home.
I’ll share with your everything I know and have learnt from working with so many men to help them overcome their sexual issues, heal their sexual self esteem, and all while learning to experience pleasure and deep relaxation and satisfaction in their intimate lives, like never before!
I've created a holistic approach to healing your sexual self esteem so that you can be the integrated and sexually self-confident man you deserve to be!
Address and reflect upon your childhood conditioning and programming and the emotional and physical armouring effects it may have had.
Affirm yourself as a sexually powerful man and re-establish your connection with your penis as your trusted friend.
Learn about the autonomic nervous system and the Keys of Tantra.
Practice breathing, sexual energy and meditation exercises that will help you become a more embodied and sensitive lover capable of experiencing full body orgasmic feelings!
Investigate the connections between breath and sexual energy and the body and the mind.
Understand the important role that Serotonin plays, the importance of safety and how to create more feelings of safety between you and your partner.
Understand the importance of strengthening and stretching exercises that benefit your entire pelvic floor and core, not just overly tighten a few key muscles like Kegal exercises do.
Experience for yourself how easy it is to become full body orgasmic when you give up your focus on peak orgasm - whether it be having one or delaying one.
Learn how to consciously self pleasure and edge your way to higher and higher plateaus before you release - or maybe choose to learn how to not release at all, instead finish naturally satisfied.
Learn about Tantric Sex, the art of lasting a long time in a relaxed fashion while making love, and how the woman in your life can help and support you.